Aurora, IL People


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Aurora, IL is the second most populous city in Illinois with a population of 183,447 and a population density of 4,363 people per square mile. It is located about 40 miles west of Chicago and offers an array of amenities for residents and visitors alike. Popular local businesses include Two Brothers Roundhouse, Q BBQ Public House, La Sierra Mexican Restaurant, and Rivals Sports Bar & Grill. There are plenty of year-round outdoor activities for everyone to enjoy such as walking along the Fox River Bike Trail or fishing at Phillips Park Zoo Lake. Other organizations such as The Aurora Regional Fire Museum and The SciTech Hands on Museum can be visited for those looking for more indoor experiences. As far as sporting events, the Chicago Steel hockey team calls Aurora their home venue at the Fox Valley Ice Arena.

The population in Aurora is 183,447. There are 4,076 people per square mile aka population density. The median age in Aurora is 35.2, the US median age is 38.4. The number of people per household in Aurora is 3.2, the US average of people per household is 2.6.

Family in Aurora
- 51.6% are married
- 8.7% are divorced
- 44.5% are married with children
- 18.3% have children, but are single
Race in Aurora

- 37.1% are white
- 10.1% are black
- 8.0% are asian
- 0.1% are native american
- 0.1% claim Other
- 42.9% claim Hispanic Ethnicity
- 1.6% Two or More Races
- 0.1% Hawaiian, Pacific Islander

Estimated Total Popualation by Age

  PeopleAurora, IllinoisUnited States
