Bee Cave, TX is a small suburban community located near Austin, TX. It is known for its excellent public schools and commitment to quality education. The local school district has earned high ratings from the Texas Education Agency, making it one of the top-ranking districts in the state. Students in Bee Cave benefit from access to great teachers and resources, as well as extensive extracurricular activities and clubs. Academically, students are offered a wide array of courses ranging from STEM to Visual Arts. All of this helps ensure that all students have ample opportunities for growth and success in their educational pursuits. As a result of its strong focus on education, the community of Bee Cave is an ideal place for parents who want their children to receive an outstanding education.
Bee Cave schools spend $19,014 per student (The US average is $12,383). There are 16 pupils per teacher, 919 students per librarian, and 516 children per counselor.